Tiara created her first website in high school because Geocities was way cooler than MySpace. It was in those days that she mastered the difference between: <br> && <p> && \n
She mostly used the site to share fanfiction stories with her friends, but it provided valuable experience toward a future career. In one way or another, Tiara has been programming for work since 2009, specializing in User Interfaces. She also has experience with online content, SEO, and marketing.
Several years ago, Tiara had the opportunity to help Care Placement with some internal software design, so she jumped at the offer to work with them again. In 2021, she started managing their website, which combines both her technical and creative sides.

{ String quote = "The dynamic here is great. I feel like I'm part of a family. And it feels really good to know we aren't just selling something. The information we provide on the site really helps people"; }
Tiara loves learning new things and going to the mountains with her puppy. She is meticulous about grammar, punctuation, and syntax and will always try her best to do a thorough job.