Depending on the pace of the disease, an Alzheimer’s sufferer may be able to live in their home for quite a while. Eventually, however, they will need close care. Deciding how to handle the change can be a stressful time. Here are some things to keep in mind if you are caring for someone with Alzheimer’s.
Those in the middle stages of Alzheimer’s can become a danger to themselves. They may leave the stove on, get lost in a grocery store or wander outside and then forget how to get back home. In many cases, spouses or family members will at first step in to help. Grown children may even move an elderly parent into their home for closer observation.
Children and spouses want to do what is best for their loved one, and most want to keep them out of an anonymous nursing home for as long as possible. However, being a caregiver can be an incredible strain, especially as the sufferer’s mental awareness continues to decline. An Alzheimer’s victim can become aggressive or very frightened, and they may need help getting dressed and going to the bathroom.
Taking care of an Alzheimer’s victim can turn into a 24/7 job, which can be especially difficult on elderly spouses who may have health issues of their own or grown children with jobs and children of to care for. Eventually, the time will come when a caregiver simply can’t continue caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. The caregiver may be exhausted, physically incapable of meeting the loved one’s needs, or can no longer provide a safe environment. This is when it is time to contact Care Placement and learn about nursing homes and long-term care options for your loved one. Call us at (619) 660-8814.