Vets, you probably know that the VA provides disability compensation to U. S. military veterans who were injured while on active duty. However, you may not truly understand how flexible the program can be. Many older vets may actually qualify for veterans disability compensation without realizing it.
If you were injured while on active duty, you may be eligible for compensation if the injury causes a disability – even if the disability doesn’t immediately manifest. For instance, let’s say that you hurt your back while serving in the military 50 years ago. Maybe you recovered completely and left the military without any noticeable disability. You didn’t qualify for disability compensation at that time because you were not disabled. Today, however, that old back injury has returned and is contributing to your disability. As long as you can prove that the injury originated while you were on active duty or was exacerbated while on active duty and is now contributing to your disability, you are likely to qualify for disability compensation from the VA.
Additionally, many diseases, including Parkinson’s and some forms of cancer have been associated with exposure to Agent Orange. If you served in the country of Vietnam during the war and develop any of these illnesses, you may automatically qualify for disability compensation.
If you think you may be eligible to receive veterans disability compensation from the VA, consider working with a knowledgeable elder care attorney or a VA-certified attorney to help you submit your application.
Learn more about programs available to Senior Veterans.